On August 4, 2021, the risk of transmission in Dallas County moved back to level Red. After moving online temporarily, we believe we can safely resume indoor services again on August 22. We continue to rely on the cooperation of our faith community to hold...

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) updated masking guidelines on Tuesday, July 27, recommending that vaccinated people wear a mask indoors in public if you are in an area of substantial or high transmission of the Delta variant. Dallas County is one of those...

The CDC has updated its guidelines for fully vaccinated people; those who are fully vaccinated may now safely resume pre-pandemic activities without masking or distancing.  The CDC guidance for unvaccinated people has not changed; unvaccinated people should still wear masks and practice social distancing, particularly in indoor environments. In light of this updated...

Since March 2020, we’ve tried our best to contribute to our community’s recovery from the pandemic by moving all services online. Although the pandemic is not over, we believe that we can return to indoor services in a way that will serve our faith community...

We're grateful for your support as we've taken the time to discern how to move forward. We’ve decided to structure our reopening plans for our Faith Community around the Dallas County Guidance System. Our current intention is to reopen 2 weeks after the county moves to...

Dear Community Members, Since Governor Abbott announced plans to begin reopening the state, you may have wondered how it will affect LIDE. Our Board and Staff feel it is best to use caution and follow the state's suggestion to "conduct as many activities as possible remotely."...

Mokah is still open! However, due to city restrictions Mokah services are for to-go orders only. All in-person gatherings onsite have been suspended until further notice. We will continue to share digital services and resources via our newsletter, so sign up for updates below. ...

Our goal as a faith community is to help "flatten the curve" by limiting large gatherings at Life in Deep Ellum - including the Gathering. Out of respect for our community, healthcare system, and our love for all of you, we have developed the following...